
Showing posts from March, 2018

Azure Information Protection and Information Protection?

Clearing up the confusion of Information Protection? I had a colleague ask me what the difference is between Azure Information Protection and the Information Protection that comes with Office 365 and the new Microsoft 365?  I know the changes in RMS, AIP and M365 IP can be a bit confusing and it's a bit more than Microsoft's marketing team coming up with the latest Mad Men style buzzwords.  I realised it was a good question and one which I'll hope to address. Putting it simply Azure Information Protection is a data protection product in Azure that allows classification, labelling and protection (CLP) of documents and data in Office 365 and on-premise repositories.  You can also apply encryption to encrypt your data.  AIP also gives you greater controls over protection.  It will protect on-premise SharePoint 2013/2016 servers, Exchange and Windows (CIFS) File servers by use of the Azure Information Protection Scanner.  The scanner can be set to run perio...

Deploying Azure Information Protection - The easy way

Deploying Azure Information Protection Azure Information Protection is a great service that protects your documents held in the cloud and on-premise.  AIP can help your business become compliant with GDPR by enforcing classifications and behaviours on classified documents.  Below I've listed out the easy way to deploy AIP using the deployment wizard. Once you have the right subscription you need to setup your tenancy and deploy Information protection.  Microsoft have vastly improved the deployment experience and have created deployment wizards to guide you through these processes.  Mainly to cut down their support calls which they were receiving a lot around deployment issues. Go to the following page while signed in as a Global Administrator and follow the 9-step process: Under “Security and identity” choose the “Azure Information Protection deployment wizard:

Azure Information Protection - Choosing subscriptions

Information Protection - Choosing the right subscription plan Azure Information Protection is a great service that protects your documents held in the cloud and on-premise.  AIP can help your business become compliant with GDPR by enforcing classifications and behaviours on classified documents.  AIP can also encrypt your documents. Information Protection has evolved over time and in Microsoft-land has had various names over the years however they pretty much refer to similar services.  So, if you see “Information protection”, “Azure Information Protection” ,  “Azure Rights Management” "AIP", or "RMS", "Information Protection", they pretty much equate to the same product but like rings in a tree stump they tell a story of it's evolution. To use Information Protection, the service that gives you classification, labelling and protection your organisation must have at least one of the following: Office 365 E3 and above Azure Information Pro...