Azure Information Protection and Information Protection?
Clearing up the confusion of Information Protection? I had a colleague ask me what the difference is between Azure Information Protection and the Information Protection that comes with Office 365 and the new Microsoft 365? I know the changes in RMS, AIP and M365 IP can be a bit confusing and it's a bit more than Microsoft's marketing team coming up with the latest Mad Men style buzzwords. I realised it was a good question and one which I'll hope to address. Putting it simply Azure Information Protection is a data protection product in Azure that allows classification, labelling and protection (CLP) of documents and data in Office 365 and on-premise repositories. You can also apply encryption to encrypt your data. AIP also gives you greater controls over protection. It will protect on-premise SharePoint 2013/2016 servers, Exchange and Windows (CIFS) File servers by use of the Azure Information Protection Scanner. The scanner can be set to run perio...